Tuesday, 28 October 2008

*** Entry of the Week ***

My previous post, ' Without the caring softness of virtual reality ' won the title 'Entry of the Week' today. Thank you very much, Joe, it's an honour to-be the first one who receives this great prize. Thank you... I have no words...

But first of all I would like to say thanks to my ... to OUR, of course... to our internet provider company, Chellonetfoncomdatatel for deactivating, reactivating, re-reactivating, over activating, and radio activating our account and finally for letting me connect to the internet to post my entry. It was a pleasure to deal with you, Chellonetfoncomdatatel guys!

Secondly I would like to say thanks to my parents, especially to Dad for changing the internet provider company from Somethingtel to Chellonetfoncomdatatel. Thanks Mum, Dad!

And of course I want to thank all of You, Guys, for commenting on that entry, for reading my blog whatever funny, silly, or boring stuff I write about. Thanks a lot! And I would like to take the opportunity to encourage everybody who will win this title in the future to write a 'thank you' post, like this one (no, not like this one, it's too silly... but a thank you post...) to thank everybody who helped in the winning of the prize.

Thanks again! Sleep tight to-night! ;)

Friday, 24 October 2008

Without the caring softness of virtual reality

It’s almost the second day of internetlessness in the house and I just feel like I’m sitting in front of an infra-red camera whispering into the microphone with some blanket on my back talking nonsense about some people in the other room sleeping. ‘Hey, it’s ehm… 2 o’clock… 2 am, and I’m here in the dining room. Everybody else’s sleeping in the other rooms, even one of them knocked himself out in the living room… so… Well I was just thinking about making this tape because…’ And then the cassette breaks. The other part is for your imagination.

So I’m sitting here waiting for the internet provider to activate our account. Or do something because it's already activated. Maybe deactivate and reactivate it. They have to have fun in their life too. It's Some provider with the name ending with ‘…tel’. What a surprise! Every internet provider ends with a ‘tel’. Or ‘net’. Or has ‘data’, ‘com’ or ‘fon’ in it. There’s only one exception I think. And it’s Chello. Turn your creativity on, People! There could be Violin or Pipe too. Or just ‘The Internet Provider Company’. I would buy that name! ‘NET4U’… Or could be something witty, like ‘The Thermal Spa Company’ offering internet… hmmm…

I’m sitting here, off-line, doing some… off-line stuff… I read a lot by the way. A lot of High Fidelity. I have a high class fidelity to Nick Hornby, I think. Great novel, great novel! My head is like a Pixies song (‘Which one?’ could You, my dearest reader ask me, if I would be on-line to answer you. But I’m not… I’m off-line, as I said it before.). I think… like ‘Where is my mind?’. Or ‘Wave of Mutilation’. No. ‘Where is my mind?’. Definitely. (Koi-Koi!)

Ninety per cent of the points on my to-do list need internet. I have to-do them on-line. I also have some homework to do on the net… Doesn’t matter. At least I have time to answer some e-mails I forgot to answer recently. I just… just have to… start… the browser… and type in… gmail.co… WHAT THE…? Where’s the NET? Gggggreat!

Am I an addict? ;)

Monday, 13 October 2008

Adventure Guide to Ireland by Tina Neylon

A green island with good music, beer and nice people: that's what Ireland means to me. Although I don't drink beer. And never been to Ireland. But if I would plan to go there, I would definitely get a copy of this book. Maybe I will plan to go there so I will need this one. And lots of money. .. But back to the book: this is a brief guide with about 600 pages to look at, if you want to be a pro in Ireland's history, culture, economy, geography, cuisine, etc.

As some of you may know I was the flautist of an Irish music band (I'd prefer to say alternative Irish folk, but... whatever... Irish!), Maggie in the Woods, (BTW Zsombor was our violinist...) so I always wanted to hear original Irish music from real Irish people in Ireland... :) Of course... I can listen to CDs but... you know... that's not the same! So I didn't have the opportunity so far, but I hope I will be able to visit the big green clover sometimes.

Yeah, about the book. I have read a few chapters and found some interesting things which I know I won't need in the next few months, but they are interesting. Electricity, phone numbers (numbers beginning with 1800 are free to call. Good to know!), music, culture, and so on. So I'll definitely save this book's link for later reading, because it's useful!

And before I finish this one, I show you a song from one of my favourite bands, the Flook. They are one of the best Irish music groups on Earth (of course it's still my opinion like it was about Richard Bona!). And the title of the song is 'Wrong foot forward' from their album 'Haven'.

Nice, isn't it. Well, meet You in Ireland. Or on the RWS lessons...
Stay tuned! ;)

Monday, 6 October 2008

5 facts you always wanted to know about THE BASS

As some of you may know I'm a bass guitarist. Actually I'm also a flutist and guitarist and... some more... ist... But one of my favourite instruments is the bass. Double bass, bass flute, bass guitar, bass whatever. I always wanted to be a bassist in a band. In any kind of a band. But there are some interesting facts some people don't know about basses. And there are some stereotypes. So now I write some words about these beautiful instruments.

Fact No. 1:
As most of people think, the list of musicians in a band in order, from easiest to hardest is like this: bass, singer, guitar, drums, manager. Actually the manager isn't a band member, not even a musician. Although he could be a musician. But that doesn't matter, he's the manager.
But in my opinion there isn't anything like this list. There aren't easier and harder instruments. There are just... instruments. If you can play the drums, than it's easy. But if you can't play the bass, you can't play the bass.

Fact No. 2:
The bass guitar is an instrument between guitar and double bass. It's smaller and its pitch is higher, but the bass guitar was made to replace the upright.

Fact No. 3:
If there would be a big cooling down on the Earth, the bassist would live the longest. (And there will be, as I have already wrote about it...) The basses burn slowly. It has more wood in it than a guitar. Or a flute. Much more than a trombone (what a surprise). Then would be the harpist, I think. But if the harpist is a woman, and the bassist is a man, than population is saved! (We need more harpists!)

Fact No. 4:
The thickest string of the bass could pull a ship. Or two. I don't know, I haven't tried it yet. Maybe sometimes.

Fact No. 5:
If you are angry, if a guy stole your girlfriend , or a girl stole your boyfriend, or some other variations, the best way to punish the bastard is to hit him hard in the face with a bass! Never tried it. But it used to be said. Just grab the neck (of the guitar), whisk it and *BANG*. (Upright bass is better. Piano is the best.)

That's all I can think of now. Maybe you could hit him/her twice. That's optional.
And here is a video of Richard Bona, one of the best bassists on Earth. I'd like to ask him about hitting someone in the face with a bass and its side-effects. Maybe there are some.

Listen, watch, stay tuned!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Global warming or ... what the heck?

Well it'll be just a short note on some mysterious stuff I thought of.

It's OK that everybody's talking about global warming. It seems like something serious to me, to a total dummy of the topic. But even I can understand the meaning of the two words: global + warming = it's going to be sooooo hot down here.

OK, well... I don't say that these science people don't know anything about words. Because actually I think they do know some things about them... They can use some weird words. But seemingly they can't use these two. They can use micro and biology or nuclear and physics but how could they know what 'warming' means? They're inside some big universities under some fancy air-conditioners looking into some microscopes and joking about some microbes doing something with something. I couldn't even imagine a situation. (Maybe I could...)

Frank: Hey, Mike! Look at this!
Mike: What?... oooh... look at that... oooh man! That amoeba just ate that thing.
F: Yeah, I know! Cool, isn't it?
M: Yeeeeah, man!
Boss: W-what? I didn't sleep... mm... o... let's get back to work! Or something!

How did I get to this conclusion? I mean about the warming, not about the job of scientists. It's simple. They say it's 'warming'. And it's cold. OK, I see it's autumn. But we have to go globally warm now, not globally cold. Because it is. I mean, cold... in the room.

Or, the other thing I can think of is it's a global stuff, but they forgot to send some warming into Hungary. It was something like that:

Sylvia: ...Azerbaijan, South Arabia, *why aren't these names in alphabetical order?* Congo... Yeah, I think that's all.
Roger: Sylvia! I think you left out a country!
S: Which one?
R: I dunno. It's something beginning with an H.
S: There isn't any country beginning with an H... oooh, you think about... Hong Kong, right?
R: Hong Kong isn't a country!
S: How could you know that for sure? It is! I think... or so...
R: No, I think it was something... Hungry... or... maybe Thirsty...
S: You gotta be kidding me! No, let's send this list to the president of the United States.
R: Hey, no! And what will be with them? With those Hungry people? They wouldn't get their warming...
S: They'll make their own warming, now, let me work. You should rather go and check out Frank and Mike. They're watching some amoebas. Now go!

Or something like this. Or I don't know. I have no other idea. Maybe I'm right!

**** I didn't want to offend any of the scientists with this post. I just... yeah... I think it's funny! ****

Have a nice day and stay tuned! ;)

... readymade ... but why?

Welcome to my English-based blog, ...readymade pictures... . I'll write here a few words sometimes when I have the opportunity and topic.

First of all, why "readymade". Maybe because of the Red Hot Chili Peppers song I like. By the way (another song from them... :) ) they have an amazing bassist. Oh, yeah, the song! Here you are.

Or maybe because of the Chumbawamba album, Readymades? Maybe. Here's a song from them, not from this album, but the album 'Un' released in 2004. 'On eBay'.

Or you could think of Marcel Duchamp... :)

So I don't know why readymade... But maybe I'll find out sometimes.

Stay tuned! ;)